PEI Reception Centres

Last updated: January 2022

Under the PEI Municipal Government Act (MGA), which came into effect on December 23, 2017, the following services are mandatory for all municipalities:

  • Fire protection
  • Municipal land use planning services, including official plans and bylaws; and
  • Emergency measures planning

Emergency Management Plans were required to be submitted to PEI EMO for review and approval by December 31, 2021. An Emergency Management Plan bylaw also needed to be passed. 

As a Councilor in the Rural Municipality of Warren Grove, part of our Emergency Planning discussions were around setting up the Community Hall as a Reception/Warming Centre in the event of a local emergency. It was always stated that there are already several Reception centres close to Warren Grove – so I decided to put together the map below to have a visual of where they are located across the Island.

The data presented in the map below is for information purposes only. Data has been pulled from PEI Public Safety (Last Updated: October 2020)

In the event of an emergency be sure to follow media announcements, including your municipalities social media, and call your municipality to find out if a centre is open and to confirm hours of operation.

*Note: St. Felix Community Centre is not on the map